to reacquaint myself with how programming works after a while of not doing a whole lot of it, i decided to make a small program in c using ncurses that would allow me to play a solitaire game i had grown fond of within the game MOLEK-SYNTEZ. it was fun! i should do more of this kind of thing.

it controls with the arrow keys and space bar, and there are three menu items you can activate by pressing shift + the first letter of the action you want to take, for example, SHIFT + Q quits the game.
NOTE: i am not sure if it is possible to resize a terminal window from inside the program, so to see everything i have had to launch the application from a terminal that was already at least 60 by 40 characters large. if you know a way to fix/get around this, please let me know.

the source file
windows executable file compiled with "gcc main.c -lm -I C:/MinGW/include/ncursesw -lncursesw -o solitaire.exe"
linux executable file compiled with "gcc main.c -lm -lncurses -o solitaire"
macos executable file compiled with "clang -O -lncurses main.c -o solitaire", thanks porglezomp
i included math.h in these but i'm not sure if i actually use it. out of habit, i guess.